Digital Empire

Questions You Should be Asking the World Around You

Redditors have low IQ.

Centrism. I don’t even know what that is. Being lumped in with the centrist crowd comes with its own disadvantages. They’ll call you indecisive, wishy washy, traitorous. You either have to pick a side or you’ll be eternally relegated to the camp of political irrelevancy.  Still don’t care.

Reddit is a virtual repository for incredibly stupid opinions. I guarantee that you too will get a good laugh if you open up your mornings by perusing the internet’s exclusive online hive of scum and villainy.

Reddit thinks the US is an authoritarian country.


Reddit blames Russia for Canada refusing to increase its defense spending…because Reddit doesn’t like Trump. What?

These people favor wars with Russia, as opposed to engaging in political dialogue? Insanity!

Wasn’t this a thread about Canada and not about Trump or Russia?

Reddit thinks that enforcing immigration laws is equivalent to the holocaust. They equated Ms-13 gang members to the jewish victims of Nazi Germany.


Everyone who disagrees with me is Hitler!



Freudian slip?


Back to Hitler! (Guy couldn’t even spell lose right)


Are liberals saying that MS-13 gang members are jewish dissidents? That’s racist even by liberal standards!

Reddit says that Russia was responsible for getting Trump elected. But at the same time, Reddit fails to see that Trump, over the course of several months, had attacked Russia’s allies.


Reddit thinks that Trump accusing Germany of being a captive to Russia is a sign of Trump being a Russian operative.

Redditors can’t even make up their minds. First they call him a Russian operative, now they’re even angrier because he attacked Russia.

Russia Russia Russia

Reddit is mad because they feel emasculated. Now they’re projecting their inadequacies onto the ruling administration.

Redditors always moving the goal posts…back to Hitler…in defense of Russia. Can you believe that Reddit is now defending Russia?

Reddit thinks that it hadn’t been Estonia and Poland who used the “Russian invasion” narrative repeatedly to score free weapons from the US. And that it was the MIC warhawks who encouraged this behavior.

Russia would not benefit in any possible way by invading Poland or Estonia. In fact, it would bring war to Russia’s borders if they do that. But Redditors wouldn’t know that. They’ve never seen the horrors of war and simply think that war is just like Call of Duty or Overwatch.

On top of that, they fail to realize that the Ukraine thing was instigated by Victoria Nuland/John McCain. (Neo Nazis were recruited by the state department to overthrow Victor Yanukovich. When Poroshenko, (a CIA informant) was successfully installed, the CIA ditched the Neo Nazi fighters almost immediately.

On top of this, US warships have recently been sent to the Black Sea by the Trump administration to antagonize Russia.

Now they’re envisioning a Libya model for the US president? These people are unhinged.


Wow! That took longer than I expected. A short read that’s for sure, but way more effort was spent making this post than was absolutely necessary. I feel depressed now.

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This entry was posted on 07/11/2018 by in Asia, EU, Middle East, NA, Russia and tagged , , , .

Questions You Should be Asking the World Around You

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July 2018
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