Digital Empire

Questions You Should be Asking the World Around You

You Think There are Think Tanks Working Against Ordinary Citizens.

You never once suspected that dozens are working to crack the president.

I like to read, you guys know that.  BTW thank you readers.  You guys are the best. I’m not going to talk about me, because I’m not an E-celeb, I don’t actively pursue that kind of stuff.

Going around websites, checking articles and checking social media hubs.  One of the big things being talked about is how people who used to hate Trump are now giving him glowing reviews.  The neocons, CNN, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer. These people went from #NeverTrump to becoming #MAGA  overnight.

The original #MAGA people? Well, let’s just say they couldn’t be more overjoyed.  It’s a victory afterall isn’t it? Don’t worry guys, you’ll understand when you get a little bit older and get a deeper understanding of human behavior.

You see, the neocons, and the liberals, CNN, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, and John McCain, they’re not happy because Trump attacked Shuyrat base.  They’re not happy because they’re finally partying alongside the #MAGA people either.  I’m going to tell you they care not one bit about Syrian children, nor do they care one bit about chemical weapons.  You have to remember that.

They’re happy because they’ve succeeded in peeling away a lot of strong core supporters from Trump. Those core supporters did not vote because they worshipped Donald Trump the celebrity.  They voted for Trump because they wanted to make America great again. Attacking Shuyrat base was illegal, don’t forget! The US was not invited into Syria by the Syrian president! Only Russia and Iran have that privilege.

To my #MAGA readers, don’t worry.  There will come a time when #MAGA’ing so much leads you to #MAGA’ing for Obama 2.0.

You just have to understand that the neocons, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, etc, they’re not the stupid people you take them to be (except for CNN’s Don Lemon;that guy’s dumb as a pile of bricks).  They’re hooked in to a network of think tanks all working around the clock to break down Donald Trump psychologically. So if you’re smart, you’re going to want to stop that or at least try to mitigate it.

It took 2 years to break Obama before his core supporters gave up. How long do you think you can hold out?

Anyways, to my other readers, we’re staying put right where we are. We’re not on the right, we’re not on the left. We observe, and we stay neutral.  That’s the best place to be, trust me.


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This entry was posted on 04/08/2017 by in NA and tagged , , , , .

Questions You Should be Asking the World Around You

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April 2017
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