Digital Empire

Questions You Should be Asking the World Around You

What is Going on in Here?? TUMBLR Has Lost Their Minds.

A notice was sent to me by Tumblr saying that I had “liked” or followed a blog that was suspected to have been linked to the Internet Research Agency (IRA). It said that I wasn’t in trouble, but that Tumblr had a mandate to “inform” me because it was for my own good. Waaait a minute here, what’s going on!?

It was an old meme account that I had signed up for on a lark 7 years ago. I “liked” a bunch of shitty mainstream memes and had a maximum of 2 followers. They were the kind of memes you would find on plebeian sites like Twitter and Reddit; you know shitty overused memes that people never seem to get tired of. I merely clicked on them to get those people to visit my page.

Tumblr claimed that they were Russian spies…

I don’t even know what’s going on anymore. Tumblr is a social media platform where people go to post things like pictures of their cats, (or badly drawn art). It’s also a place that is primarily dominated by extremely phobic characters. The kind of phobic characters that would take issue with you if you ever say anything bad about their badly drawn art.

The recent blanket censorship of conservative social media users on Facebook, Youtube, and Twitter are also actions that were taken under the false pretext of combating “Russian meddling.” Getting down to brass tacks, it’s more of an attack on President Trump’s influence on social media, because it’s not Russian spies that are being silenced, it’s Americans loyal to the president.

I’m guessing that Tumblr users were unable to resolve their issues through dialogue, and they simply flagged each other to oblivion.

But the company execs intervening and calling these people Russian spies? That’s a whole new level of FASCISM! INTERNET FASCISM!

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This entry was posted on 09/08/2018 by in EU, NA and tagged , , , , .

Questions You Should be Asking the World Around You

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September 2018
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