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Questions You Should be Asking the World Around You

Voting for Tea Party Candidates akin to voting for Nuclear Winter

Like most other people (we the level headed) I realized a long time ago, that avoiding people wielding hatchets while walking suburbia is very prudent.  In fact, it’s so logical that even Spock from Star Trek might call it perfect.  Seeing that there isn’t enough coverage on TV about the rampant dimentia currently plaguing the Tea Party as a whole, I felt that this post was necessary.

14 crazy things Tea Party Candidates Believe.

Read the article here:

Christine O’donnell

“It is not enough to be abstinent with other people, YOU ALSO HAVE TO BE ABSTINENT ALONE. The Bible says that lust in your heart is committing adultery, so you can’t masturbate without lust.”

Dabbled in witchcraft.  Had a date at a satanic altar. Used campaign funds for personal expenses during a period when she didn’t have a campaign. Expert on stating the obvious (Accurately predicted that people would call her a nutbag)

Michelle Bachmann

Michelle Bachmann: “Gay marriage is probably the biggest issue that will impact our state and our nation in the last, at least, thirty years. I AM NOT UNDERSTATING THAT.”

Was that in the last 30 years or the last time you had a meal?

Chuck Devore

Chuck Devore: “We have to prepare for the next enemy. It’s not Afghanistan. It’s the PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA.”

So you want to invade the country that makes pretty much everything that Americans buy today, bumping the costs of living up in America by at least 30%, and to undo all the fixes that the Obama administration has done for the economy over the last two years? (On top of that, your group is anti-government, pro-anarchy, and anti-establishment?  I don’t see how you’re going to do that. Or more to the point, I don’t see your point.)

Trent Franks

Trent Franks on Obama: “He has no place in any station of government and we need to realize that he is an ENEMY OF HUMANITY.”

Humanity meaning the people who would have had to continue funding the exploitation of young American soldiers being sent to the middle east under the premise of “freedom for all?” The ever increasing costs to health care and the misappropriation of taxpayer dollars to offset the costs of $800 medical forceps? I don’t know if people even remember the whole screw up with screws costing a hundred dollars each, back when Bush was the president.

Glen Urquhart

Glen Urquhart: “The exact phrase ‘separation of Church and State’ came out of Adolph HItler’s mouth, that’s where it comes from. So the next time your liberal friends talk about the separation of Church and State, ASK THEM WHY THEY’RE NAZIS.”

Does anybody else see gas chambers popping up anywhere in America?

Sharon Angle

Sharron Angle on abortion: “I have been in the situation of counseling young girls… who have had very at risk, difficult pregnancies. And my counsel was to look for some alternatives, which they did. And they found that they had made WHAT WAS REALLY A LEMON SITUATION INTO LEMONADE.”

That’s too sweet. Calling babies lemons. What a wonderful experience child-birthing must be.  I suppose we should call morphine the “icing on the cake.”

Kristi Noem

Kristi Noem on driving (she has received 30 tickets and multiple arrest warrants for skipping court): “OBVIOUSLY, I’M NOT PROUD OF MY DRIVING RECORD, but I’ve been working hard to be a better example to young kids and young drivers out there”

Tiger Woods had thousands of kids modelling themselves after him.  I guess adultery, sweat shops, and douchebaggery is OK!

Carl Paladino

Carl Paladino on housing poor people in prisons: “THESE ARE BEAUTIFUL PROPERTIES with basketball courts, bathroom facilities, toilet facilities. Many young people would love to get the hell out of cities”

An obvious victim of crack cocaine. Loves beastiality, thinks it’s pretty funny and everybody does it so it’s “cool” and “trendy.”   Has zero charisma unless it’s in a room filled with construction workers wearing ass-less chaps and donkey helmets.  Is against rape related abortions. Considers babies born under rape circumstance to be statistically eligible for adoption.

Here’s Paladino on an interview with CNN’s Rick Sanchez:

Sanchez: What is your position on abortion?

Paladino: No.

Sanchez: Should a woman have a right to an abortion if she’s been raped?

Paladino: No.

Sanchez: She should not? She should have to have the baby?

Paladino: The baby can be adopted.

Sanchez: What if it’s a case of incest?

Paladino: The baby can be adopted, yes.

Delusional at best, apathetic for a modus operandi.

Steve King

Steve King on Obama winning the election: “The radical Islamists, the al-Qaeda… would be DANCING IN THE STREETS in greater numbers than they did on Sept. 11 because they would declare victory in this war on terror.”

So you don’t want to admit defeat on this “War on Terror”, and that this “war” should continue instead of having it taper out into a peaceful resolution? You must have lost your compass for logic out in the high seas there King, because with the way your party has been serving its propaganda, it’s obvious to the keen observer that the Tea Party has no other political agenda other than to have the American people revolt in a torrent of blood lust.

Louis Gohmert

Louis Gohmert on hate crime legislation: “You’d have to strike any laws against BEASTIALITY, if you’re oriented toward CORPSES, toward CHILDREN, you know, there are all kinds of perversions.”

Motherfucker what? Who let this guy in? Somebody administer this guy with Ambien immediately. Refer to Paladino.

Lamar Smith

Lamar Smith: “The greatest threat to America is not necessarily a recession or even another terrorist attack. The greatest threat to America is a LIBERAL MEDIA BIAS.”

Says the guy who’s particularly sensitive to campaigns that are oriented against Tea Party Schizophrenia.

Joe Miller

Joe Miller on GUNS AT HIS RALLIES: “It’s not unusual in political rallies, it’s not unusual in parades, to see that type of thing.”

While it is true that the second amendment is integral to the American way of  life, you can’t disregard the  chance of some crazed lunatic showing up at a rally. Any rally to be precise. Who knows how many clips he’s got hidden inside his jacket, and how many psychological triggers he’s got.  Judging by the Tea Party’s ideals, this indicates a lot!

Rand Paul

Rand Paul on health care: “The fundamental reason WHY MEDICARE IS FAILING is WHY THE SOVIET UNION FAILED — socialism doesn’t work

No. The reason medicare is failing is because of overpriced medical services, bloated salaries, and the fees lawyers charge for medical malpractice suits.  This economy, under republican rule, was purely focused on milking the system dry rather than improving the depth and quality of services in medicine.  A lot of talented individuals have left America and started practices overseas because of the bullshit being served by the over privileged  for the last 30 years. Get to work scumbags.

Sarah Palin

Sarah Palin: “The America I know and love is not one in which my parents or my baby with Down Syndrome will have to stand in front of Obama’s ‘DEATH PANEL’ so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their ‘LEVEL OF PRODUCTIVITY IN SOCIETY’ whether they are worthy of health care. Such a system is downright evil.”

As opposed to the system that decides people should die due to skin color, age and the size of their wallets?  This is a much wider subjective view of people’s eligibility for medical care than your hypothetical scenario, but I digress. Socialism in your mind is a smoke filled room with a spot-lamp floating 50 feet above the ground, with cowled arbiters sitting behind a huge oak desk bidding on insurance policies with yes and no buttons.

Anti-government debt hawks aren’t new. Check out…

This is the only one that Eludes me… Someone explain this to me please.

And to close this up, something I read that was posted by someone a few days ago. He had a very interesting opinion about Mccain and Obama:

Protip: the Democrats pulled ahead of the Republicans in education in 2001 and have been pulling farther ahead ever since. Once the right stood for conservative values. Today it is just born rich bastards trolling trailer trash for votes. Let’s look at Obama vs. McCain on traditional conservative values.

Family values:
Obama: Married faithfully to one woman his entire adult life. Plays with his children on the Whitehouse lawn.
McCain: Cheated on his first wife with hookers, and about everyone, including his second wife. Cheated on his second wife with everyone else. Called his wife a cunt in public, at active war with his daughter.

Rugged individualism:
Obama: Worked full-time all the way through college, born as poor as you are, made himself a millionaire by his own hand BEFORE entering politics.
McCain: Daddy was an admiral. Traded on this for everything. Succeeded at NOTHING independently. Married his second wife for money. Totally a kept man. Doesn’t know how many houses he owns because the WIFE HANDLES THE MONEY.

First class education with distinction:
Obama: Graduated with a doctorate in law from the toughest law school in the world with high honors while working full-time, only accomplished a few times in history.
McCain: B.A. education from a military school. Flunked out THREE TIMES (twice on demerits, once on grades) and would not have graduated AT ALL if Daddy were not an admiral. Finished in the BOTTOM 2 percent of his class: 284 of 289.

Careful with money:
Obama: virtually no record before entering office. Turned around the second worst depression in American history in under a year (last one took TEN YEARS to recover from…). Attached strings to bail-outs where Bush had not, resulting in most of the Obama bail-outs ALREADY having been repaid where NONE of Bush’s have been.
McCain: LEADER of the Keating 5, responsible for the FIRST bail-out (S&L scandal and bail-out). Keating went to prison; McCain should have as well. Personally stalled Congress long enough for the bottom to fall out because his wife had millions invested with Keating directly. Bought man with no fiscal responsibility at all.

Careful decisions, grace under fire:
Obama: virtually no record before office, again, brought a country on the verge of economic collapse back into the world in just a year. DJI under Bush: DOWN 50%. DJI under Obama (so far): UP 50%.
McCain: said ONE WEEK before the bottom dropped out of the market that :”the fundamentals of the economy are sound.” Destroyed 2 planes just in military training (ONE is a mandatory wash-out but… Daddy was an Admiral), partially responsible for the worst accidental disaster in U.S. Navel history (Forestall fire, 143 men killed fighting fire caused by McCain panicking and dropping his bomb load on the deck, looking for the canopy release, causing burning jet fuel to drain onto the hangar deck and magazine).

And it goes on and on. Obama was clearly more conservative then McCain by traditional standards, but the Right abandoned these long ago. Neo-cons are just filthy born rich assholes trolling trailer trash for votes.? Glenn Beck has a HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA as his education! He’s barely more educated than his audience.

The next time you see the congressional polls on the news and how they favor the Tea Party heavily, just think of who the idiots are who vote for them. That alone should be an eye opener.

4 comments on “Voting for Tea Party Candidates akin to voting for Nuclear Winter

  1. The Destructionist

    If you haven’t already watched the documentary, Capitalism: A Love Story, then I highly suggest you do.

    At first, the trailers made it sound like it was a joke. I thought it was going to be another one of those propaganda films pitting “Bleeding-heart Liberals” against “Right-wing Neocons” (you know the kind), but it wasn’t like that at all. Instead, the film was serious and focused primarily on corporations and their zeal to maximize their profits at all costs and with total disregard to the people or to the countries they might ultimately affect.

    A part of the film that I found especially intriguing was the presentation of a document written by Citigroup that was sent to the wealthiest of its investors; essentially stating that America was no longer a Democracy, but a Plutonomy (an economy run and powered – not by people like you and me – but by corporations and the wealthiest 1%). To be honest, I thought the document was made up bullshit and I’d never be able to find it online. (After all, who would be so brazen, or so stupid as to compile such information and then to let it go public?) But I was wrong. It’s real:

    Equity Strategy
    Plutonomy: Buying Luxury, Explaining Global Imbalances

    As I read page-after-page, I could feel my eyes growing wider and wider in utter disbelief (My God…I mean, it was like reading a manual on how to successfully turn our world into George Orwell’s, “1984”)!

    I have to say that I’m rather embarrassed that I didn’t know about this document (or the documentary) before today. But now that I do, it only confirms what I’ve written about in times past: the powerful corporate élite are actually designing plans to take over the world’s economies and fashion its various countries into collectively owned corporate blocs, whereby people are no longer consumers, but hive-like workers.

    Now I know what you’re saying, and I totally agree with you…(It sounds like, “crazy talk,” right?) But there will come a day – however absurd it sounds – where national allegiances will be replaced with “corporate allegiances.” It might not happen tomorrow – or even a year from now – but trust me… Someday, it will happen…



    • digitalempire

      Truly scary yes. No, I haven’t seen that film yet. I believe it’s by Michael Moore right? I’ve heard of it lot’s of times. I wonder how much he knows about what goes on behind closed doors. As bad as it may sound, I think this is already happening (plutonomy). And to bring it to light is one of the hardest things to do since it is widely ingrained into society that such a thing is not possible. But with more public support, who knows, people can finally find out the truth as to how far this plutonomy really goes. Good post btw.


  2. Pingback: Top 10 craziest Tea Party quotes of all time « SpeakEasy

  3. Pingback: Top 10 Craziest Tea Party Quotes of All time « Point/Counterpoint

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Questions You Should be Asking the World Around You

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