Digital Empire

Questions You Should be Asking the World Around You

Screencaps of the Lincoln Memorial Incident.

Proof that it was the Native American Indian Vietnam War Vet who was taunting the Catholic school boys.  Youtube keeps censoring the video because it dispels the mainstream media narrative. The schoolboys were standing in one place atop the steps. Several members of “The Black Israelites” spent ten minutes shouting racist and homophobic slurs at them, calling the school boys “future school shooters” and “demons.”

The screencaps include time stamps. For 10 minutes, the Black Israelites taunted the Catholic schoolboys. Shouting full blast how they were “evil whites.”

Here are the schoolboys standing atop the steps being taunted by the Black Israelites. This is at the 1:08 mark.

The cameraman is one of the Black Israelites filming the video. He pans around to show the schoolkids. He claims he is being surrounded by them. But in actual truth, the Black Israelites had been shouting profanities for over an hour at passers by, as can be seen by the timestamp in the video. The kids showed up at about the 1:00 mark.

The kids are still just standing around being verbally abused by the Black Israelite protester. This is the 1:09 mark. the guy with the poncho and the rastafari hat will show up in other videos goading the Native American Indian Vietnam War Veteran to “Hit the White Kid.”

This is the guy that I showed you in my previous post.

One of the boys takes off his shirt and does a school cheer. The other kids join in to do a school cheer. None of it was anti-immigration related. It was a school cheer. The Black Israelites taunted the boys and called it a “caveman” move.

The kids are still standing in place, formed in a semi circle. They did not inch forward, they did not move close to the Black Israelites. They stood their ground, they were firmly planted in one place. Good Catholic principles.

This man shouts “Buncha Donald Trump incest children.” There should be laws against yelling obscenities in public, especially at school children. This is at the 1:11 mark. The boys are still just standing there taking verbal abuse from the Black Israelites.

The kids kneel. Probably for prayer? It was at this point that you could hear drumbeats in the distance. This is the 1:12 mark.

1:12:22 is the first time that the Native American Indian Vietnam War Veteran appears on video. Here’s the proof that it was the Native American Indian Vietnam War Veteran who escalated the situation. CNN accuses the Catholic schoolboys of taunting the Native American Protester, but the video shows us otherwise.

He wasn’t alone, he had 3 to 5 other people with drums following him.

Here he is standing in front of the schoolboys. The schoolboys merely stood in place taking all the abuse. The mainstream media portrays them as “aggressors.”

Now he gets right up in their faces.

At 1:15 the Black Israelites are still shouting racist slurs.

There you have it. More proof that CNN is absolutely NOT to be trusted.

And now the online publication Jezebel is calling on people to doxx the Catholic schoolboys, which is a felony. The parents of the schoolboys should sue Jezebel and CNN because this is clearly Jezebel and CNN putting the kids lives in danger.

Here’s how the mainstream media puts childrens lives in danger. That kid up there in those pictures, he had his hands behind his back. The Native American Indian Vietnam War Veteran was beating a drum right in his face. He could have struck the kid and hurt him seriously, but the kid merely smiled and stood his ground. His hands were behind his back. This is what the mainstream media calls a “racist taunt.”

But the video shows us otherwise.

https://  www  .youtube  .com/watch?v=t3EC1_gcr34

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This entry was posted on 01/20/2019 by in NA, Religion and tagged , , , , , , .

Questions You Should be Asking the World Around You

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